Sunday Morning March 31, 2024


Galatians 4

It doesn’t matter how good you are to people, if the Devil is in their life they will give you up.

Be careful of who you listen to and what you listen to.

When you do wrong in God. Either you have forgotten how good God has been to you or you thought what you wanted was more important.

When you don’t want to do right your spirit can be infected.

Be wary of the impact you have on other people. Be wise.

You are dealing with real people, real spirits, and a REAL God.

Romans 12

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

God may not give out consequences the way you think.

If he isn’t making you better it could be because you are currently being badder.

Zephaniah 1

Have you asked God questioned you have no business asking him?

Be careful of asking God why too much.

How different would you be if you could choose your correction? You would make it very comfortable for yourself wouldn’t you?

Make a decision to open yourself cup to people.

John 15

If you are not uncomfortable then you need to assess whether or not you are really in shape in God.

How can you get to know other people in Christ f you don’t open your heart and mouth?